Child Registration Form - Boys Brigade

CS-10 February, 2023


Please complete Part A of the form for each of the people relating to the submission. This will generally be for the Parents or Carers and then the child/ ren. Press Blue Box + Add Another Person at the bottom of the form when each parent/carer has completed Part A. Press Blue Box + Add Another Person at the bottom of the form when Parts A & B have been completed for each child on the form. Hit the Submit button when last child's information has been entered.

Form Completion:

1. Parents/Carers complete the first section of the form (Part A Only)  

2. Use the Parent/ Carer details for Name and Address, etc for completion of the first seciton of the form (Part A Only).

3. Press the BLUE Button, +Add Extra Person (at the bottom of the page) after completing the first section (Part A).

4. Repeat 1-3 for each of the Parents/Carers (Part A Only)

5. After pressing the Blue Button, +Add Extra Person(at the bottom of the page) for the last of the carers, you move to completing the details for the children.

6. Complete the details relevent for the child at the top of the form. (Part A)

7. Complete the remaining details for the child at the bottom of the form. (Part B)

8. If only one child completing this activity, hit the SUBMIT button at the bottom of the form.

9. Press the BLUE Button, +Add Extra Person (at the bottom of the page) for additional children.

10. Repeat 6-9 for additional children

11. Press the Grey SUBMIT Button at the bottom of the form when you have completed the form.




Part A

Child Safety Code of Conduct:

Child Conduct:


Social Media:

Other Information:




When this section is completed, press the Blue Box + Add Another Person at the bottom of the form.

Once Parent and Carers have been added, please press the Blue + Add Another Person box. Complete the Name and contact details now for each Child in the top section of the form.(Part A) Then complete the additional information at the bottom of the form.(Part B)


Press the Blue Buttom (+ Add Extra Person) NOW if you finished entering the details of the Parent/ Carer.  This blue button is at the bottom of the page.  Scroll down or slide up NOW.


Continue if you are adding additional details about a child.


Part B



Pick Up Details: In addition to the Parents / Carers and Emergency Contacts who else has authority to pick up the child/ren?